This is the introduction to a new series called Where's my stuff? As I get older it gets harder and harder to find things and not just my keys or watch but also my things that were once easy to keep track of, like memories and marbles.
Admittedly part of the problem is that I am getting older and there are more memories to dig through in order to remember things so my searches take longer and longer. It's not just my old age, though that is Chapter 13 - Where's My Brain?, this series intends to prove there is a worldwide conspiracy to make things harder to find.
It used to be easy to keep track of stuff but now we can never find anything. Life is deliberately complicated with too much activity and too many distractions. Chapter 1: Where's my Stuff?
Telephones were once big and clunky and locked down on every street corner and on every kitchen wall but now the darn thing is ringing right there in front of us and we can't even find the little bugger in our purse or pocket. They are always ringing but never getting answered. Chapter 2: Where's the Phone?
The fast paced world makes it hard to keep track of traveling co-workers let alone the moving targets that are customers and contacts. We need a global clock to know who is gone to lunch at the various offices. Macroeconomics force the micro family to spread out in space and time and people can’t remember where to find their loved ones. Chapter 3: Where's my People?
Facebook and all the other semi-social tools for the internet only make it harder to find the actual people in our lives. How can we know what is safe to say, will the boss find out, which picture to show and who to befriend? Reality is such an easier game to play and not as many sand traps. Chapter 4: Where's my me?
Having multiple responsibilities at work means there is always a missing box. It could be from shipping and receiving or from storage or even from lost and found but there is always a missing box. The cubicle is a box and while it may not be missing you still have to find out which one contains the ever moving user. The server is a box that can't be found when the lab is constantly changing forests of racks full of units and not one with a label. Chapter 5: Where's the Box?
It used to be easy to go unplug the network cable to fix a bad box but now it would mean unplugging the entire rack enclosure which holds all the servers. When you travel you may think you are on the hotel network when you are really on the restaurant or worse yet some other guests wireless access point. Chapter 6: Where's the Network.
When there were 57 channels on TV we could still keep up but it takes 20 minutes to go through all the channels now, by then we fall asleep. Concerts are too expensive, movies are too numerous, and stage theaters are fading fast like the already extinct Drive-in. Chapter 7: Where's the show?
The last straw and the last chapter would be, Chapter Last: Where's My Job? Followed by, Chapter Infinity: Where's my Life?