Monday, December 6, 2010

Global Warming Vs Ice Ages

It’s not that I don’t believe in Global Warming, it’s just that I am opposed to Ice Ages. They say the Ice was a mile deep over New York City~! I will take 30 feet more ocean over a mile of ice any day.

There are few people who deny that the earth has been through many Ice Ages and it will happen again. You would think we would appreciate this break in between but instead we are using panic to ruin the picnic. I know it is politically incorrect and possibly irresponsible to give an excuse for polluting and other bad environmental behavior. I am all for going green and doing the right thing, I just don’t want to have to wear long underwear all year long.

My real beef is with our urge to help mother nature in her natural progression between one Ice Age and the next. We want to make the clouds brighter so the sun will be reflected and we can cool the earth. It doesn’t take a Science Fiction writer to see the potential problems with this, and it again ends with a new Ice Age.

If we don’t want the sea level rising then we should shoot the moon out of the sky and do away with those pesky tides where the ocean level goes up and down not once but twice a day, we need to regulate that variation.

What would we do if we were going into an Ice Age. Would we encourage everyone to buy a big gas guzzler and drive it all night hoping to pollute our way out of the problem? If everyone held up a hair dryer would that help? I can only assume we would oppose an ice age as much as this global warming and we would also find a way to blame ourselves so we can take credit for the fix.

Why do we think we get to take credit for the problem anymore than we think we can change it back? And even if we could change it, how can we assume we should change things. What makes us conclude our reasons are smarter than the Mother Nature? When the sun finally goes supernova I am sure we will find a way to blame ourselves and then try to figure out a way to stop it.

I like to think of this contest between Ice-Age vs. Global Warming as a slow motion sports contest. Global Warming is leading but Ice Age still has plenty of time left to turn things around. I will be rooting for the Global Warming.

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